Entries from 2020-04-01 to 1 month

why men lose interest in relationships!

attraction It’s hard to imagine a man losing interest in a beautiful woman, right? Aren’t men hardwired to impress a woman they’re attracted to? Maybe but only to a point. Sometimes they “play along” until the date is over and then they av…

How Often Should You Talk In A Long Distance Relationship?

Relationship Talk about your feelings.Just because your partner is a man, does not necessarily mean that he is not open to talking about his feelings. At times, openly talking about it helps strengthen the relationship and produces more po…

How Often Should You Talk In A Long Distance Relationship?

Relationship Talk about your feelings.Just because your partner is a man, does not necessarily mean that he is not open to talking about his feelings. At times, openly talking about it helps strengthen the relationship and produces more po…

How To Understand Men: The Survival Guide.

attraction They Definitely Have Emotions, As much as people think men are emotionless machines who don’t care about anything, they really do. In some ways, men care more than women. The difference is, they don’t show it as much. A lot of h…

Sure Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back!

attraction This is a no brainer, really. If he’s texting you all the time and you’re supposed to be broken up, he misses you. He just wants to see your name pop up on his phone. He wants to talk to you and, chances are, it’s because he wan…

Cheap Date Night Ideas!

Relationship 1. Go Hiking Hiking is an amazing date idea for nature lovers. No matter where you live, you must have some great hiking trails in your area where you and your man can get away from the world and just enjoy the fresh air and e…

The Single Most Powerful Way To Make Him Feel Like A Man!

Relationship Dirty Talking Is The Most Powerful Way To Make Him Feel Like A Man.When you initiate dirty talk whether it’s in person or via your phone, you’re sending him the message that says you want to take a wild sexy ride with him. Whe…

Here are A Great Questions To Ask A Guy!

attraction These questions are great to use to eliminate those awkward silences that happen when you hit a bump in the conversation and don’t know what to say or ask next. If you’re trapped on a desert island and could only carry 5 items w…

Relationship Goals..

attraction Trust is vital That means you don’t care when his phone goes off or he comes home a bit late. You don’t just to crazy conclusions when he doesn’t call you exactly the minute he said he would. Matching morals are required. You si…

How To Forget Someone You Love Deeply!

Accept What Happened but Don't Dwell on it : Relationship It is normal to be upset, mad and hurt after break-ups especially if it’s a third party issue. And you’d probably be mad for a long time. But if you stay mad you’d only stress yours…

The Silent Treatment In A Relationship Is A Killer!

Relationship The silent treatment is when one person in a relationship ignores the other person, refusing to acknowledge them verbally or through any other method. This usually happens after an argument, but it can also happen when the sil…

What should I do when my boyfriend is in contact with his ex?

Address the Situation Openly.. Don’t hide the fact that you’re bothered or insecure. This doesn’t mean that you should blame your boyfriend for feelings of jealousy that you might have. This simply means that you should acknowledge them. C…

Tricks to Help You Strike Up a Conversation With That Cute Guy!

DON’T FREAK OUT—HE IS JUST ANOTHER PERSON. attraction Stop putting pressure on yourself to create the perfect conversation starter and just introduce yourself. Who knows, he might lead the conversation after all. Sure, we can compile a lis…

How Many Dates Before A Relationship!

We’ve all heard those adorable stories about our grandparents meeting on a train and falling madly in love at first sight. How many dates before relationship was a question they never really considered. Nowadays, dating is more difficult. …

Why Do Men Give Silent Treatment After A Break-Up..

You never thought it would come to this, but the worst has happened. You and your boyfriend broke up. And if that wasn’t bad enough, you’re left wondering why men give silent treatment after a breakup. I mean, is it really so necessary? Ev…

You Found Something On His Phone. Now What?

Was The Snooping Worth It? First and foremost, no matter his transgression… you have to realize you just committed a serious breach of trust. There might have been a doubt in your mind that he’s cheating, or that something’s wrong. But the…

Strategies For Communicating In A Relationship!

Steps to Effective Couples Communication.. 1. Ask Open-Ended Questions.. If all the questions you ask your man can be answered with a “yes” or a “no,” you’re not effectively communicating. Men tend to keep things pretty short. If they can …

Fun And Creative Date Night Ideas! Unique Date Ideas.

Fun Date Night Ideas! 1. Go To An Amusement Park.. Amusement parks are not just for kids. Take a romantic ride on the Ferris wheel, get your adrenaline rush on a wild rollercoaster or just eat some cotton candy and let your hubby win you a…

How to Reconnect With Your Spouse Like Magic!

Learn To Be Patient.. Change does not happen overnight. You have to act carefully, methodically, and yet simultaneously try to enjoy yourself. It will take some time, but if you’re both determined, the results will show. Unless, however, y…