Relationship Goals..



  • Trust is vital That means you don’t care when his phone goes off or he comes home a bit late. You don’t just to crazy conclusions when he doesn’t call you exactly the minute he said he would.
  • Matching morals are required. You simply can’t have a good relationship (for very long, at least) without having the same morals.
  • If one of you values mainly money and materialistic objects and the other values learning and exploration over money, you will have problems.
  • Even if you have other things in common, it just won’t work unless your values match up.
  • If you want to grow old in a very hot climate and you’re not really the type to go outdoors and exercise much but you’re with someone who is the complete opposite of that, it will be very hard to make the relationship work.
  • Wanting The Same Things In Terms Of Family For Your Futures
    These are relationship goals. When you both want the same types of families and futures together, it just works.
  • Being Each Other’s Strongest Support Systems :
  • We all need great support. If you can’t count on each other to root and cheer when you’re trying to accomplish something, your relationship will be very hard to deal with.
  • You both need to always support each other and be each other’s biggest cheerleaders! This really only matters if you both like traveling.
  • If you do, this is definitely a relationship goal. Being so in sync that you can travel anywhere in the world and still be happy together is major.
  • Experiencing New Cultures Together, This has a lot to do with traveling the world but you can experience new cultures from home too.
  • The food you eat and just being adventurous when meeting and talking with new people does a lot for this. Being open to learning is what will strengthen your bond.
  • Feeling as though you’re part of his family is what tells you that you’ve made it; your relationship is as good as it will get.
  • Going To Each Other For Advice About Your Problems, You can’t build a life with a man if you don’t even want him to have input on your life and decisions – and especially your problems.
  • You should trust their judgment above others and want to ask them for help.
  • Being Best Friends, Your significant other should be your best friend.
  • You should want to be with him and genuinely enjoy his company. 
  • This is another no-brainer when it comes to relationships that many don’t actually look for.
  • Laughing So Hard You Can’t Breathe, If you want to enjoy a life full of happiness, this should be one of your main relationship goal.
  • Going To Amusement Parks For The Whole Day, This is all about being able to have fun doing something interesting together.
  • An amusement park puts you front and center when it comes to fear, excitement, adrenaline, and, let’s be real, a bucketful of fried junk food.
  • Making Pillow Forts And Watching Movies For The Weekend
    Who doesn’t want to relive childhood and lose themselves with their best friends for a whole weekend.
  • This is definitely a relationship goal and you should always work to keep your childhood alive.
  • Talking Through Arguments To Solve Them, This isn’t about yelling or fighting. You can’t scream at each other and expect your relationship to last.
  • All couples fight. Being able to discuss the issues at hand and actually solve them together is so important.
  • Ignoring Negative Outside Influences On Your Relationship
    There will always be people or other influences trying to pull you apart.