Ways to Be Irresistible to Men…In 4 Simple Steps

12 Foods That Can Save Your Heart:



Be a Mystery..


The only way to turn attraction into passion is to insert your way into a man’s thoughts.


This doesn’t mean wearing something revealing so he’s picturing you naked while talking to you.


It means making a strong impression, one that leaves him unable to stop thinking about you for days.


The best way to do this is to be a little mysterious.


He doesn’t need your whole life story right off the bat. Part of the excitement of starting a new relationship is the discovery process, it’s that desire to know more and more about the other person.


The human mind loves to fill in missing gaps and the unknown always has a certain level of intrigue.


Studies have shown that we are most attracted to people when we don’t know exactly how they feel about us. If he knows exactly where you stand he may get bored and move on.


If he knows he doesn’t have a chance, he won’t want to bother. If he thinks he might have a chance, you’ll have his full attention.


Be Confident..


This one is the winner every time. Guys want a confident, happy woman.


A woman who loves herself knows her worth, and knows she can get what she wants in this world.


Healthy self-esteem is a prerequisite for healthy relationships.


It gives you the confidence to choose who to be with and to believe someone worthwhile will want to be with you.


If you have low self-esteem, make it a priority to work on this.


Learn to find more joy and meaning in your life. Until you get there, act like someone with high self-esteem.


This means not being jealous of other people, not needing guys to validate you, not putting yourself down and complaining about your life.



Not neglecting your femininity..


Most men want to feel like a man.


The best way to encourage this is to embrace your femininity. Tap into your soft, gentle, graceful side, we all have it in us somewhere.


I know today’s society encourages women to be bold, tough, and aggressive.


I’m not saying you shouldn’t be a strong woman, I’m just saying to temper this out a bit by not neglecting your femininity.


Be playful..


Men simply adore playful women.


I am not saying that you should be all over the place when you don’t feel like it but simply not stuck in a routine will be enough for a successful relationship.


If you feel good with the guy you like, show him your wicked side.


Learn how to play hard to get just to keep him interested in you. Use different tricks to make him fall for you.


Tease him and never let him have all of you, at least if you are not ready for that.


But whatever you do, don’t let the old spark die in your relationship.

Always work hard for what is quality, especially if we are talking about the most important guy in your life.