why men lose interest in relationships!





It’s hard to imagine a man losing interest in a beautiful woman, right? Aren’t men hardwired to impress a woman they’re attracted to? Maybe but only to a point. Sometimes they “play along” until the date is over and then they avoid her calls like the plague. 


Sometimes they take her to bed and then never call her again. Sometimes a man, especially one with plenty of other options and a lot of self-confidence, will just end a conversation immediately if he feels offended by a woman’s statement. The question is, what are the eight biggest offenders that make men lose interest..


Guys hate drama. Choose your battles; making big deals out of nothing everyday will eventually drive him away.


Being the one in full charge, can turn any man off for so many reasons. He feels like you’re taking his role, which makes him feel useless or less of a man. Although, men love confident women, try not to be bossy. Be smart; make him lead and feel triumphant.


Consenting to anything and everything he says while never sharing your opinion and true feelings, is not a good way to keep him interested either. He doesn’t want to hear words like: “anything” or “as you like” every time he asks for your opinion. Men like intelligent women who are not afraid to speak their mind.


“Where have you been?” “You’re not the same anymore” “Why are you ignoring me!” “Do you like someone else?” And leaving him 50 missed calls when he’s out with the boys are the number one reason why he started to feel like a prisoner, and thus, lose interest.


A man will lose interest in you the moment you stop paying attention to your looks and style. Maybe you’ve been caught up too much in work or with the kids, forgetting to take care of your own self. Remember, he might start looking elsewhere.


Most men are adventurous, and love to take risks; it’s in their genes. So, if you’re over protective and never seem interested in any of his crazy ideas, acting as the overly protective old fashioned grandma, he might think you’re BORING!


Every man needs special treatment. Everyone needs attention in his own unique way. So, if you’re not giving him the attention he’s looking for, or don’t pamper him from time to time occasionally telling him how special he is, he might indeed lose interest. Yes, like a baby, a man needs attention and affection.


If you ask him to do everything for you and can’t depend on yourself in any aspect of life, he will probably run away sooner or later. A man doesn’t want a woman who soars his burden; he wants someone to help him out instead.


If you’re the tomboy type who’s always acting as one of the boys, he will most probably lose interest in you after a while.


 A man is a man after all; he will look for tenderness and decency from time to time. Make sure that he finds the “lady” in you when he looks for her.

Some men realize that they’re not ready for commitment and responsibility when the relationship gets serious. some start to back down as they realize that they’re not ready for such a huge responsibility yet.

Some men are womanizers by nature; one woman will never be enough for them. The idea of having a life time partner with whom they will spend the rest of their lives with, can sound deadly to them. As cruel as it seems, but, he might have lost interest because your time is up with him.

How Often Should You Talk In A Long Distance Relationship?




Talk about your feelings.Just because your partner is a man, does not necessarily mean that he is not open to talking about his feelings.

 At times, openly talking about it helps strengthen the relationship and produces more positive outlooks because of the closeness that is achieved by doing so Refrain from beating around the bush and state your feelings clearly. 

It is very much appreciated and causes less confusion when everything is out in the open.

Constant reassurance.Another tip is to constantly reassure your boyfriend of your love. This gives him confidence and happiness. 

It is much easier to show assurance in a relationship not divided by distance because you can physically show it but in a long distance relationship, it is more difficult. However, reassurance is still possible in forms of calls, text messages, and video call conferences.

Send handwritten poems.If your boyfriend is into old-fashioned romantic gestures, then you may try sending him personal handwritten poems. 


You can write a short poem every day, compile it, and then send it to him at least twice a month. If you are not much of a writer, then you can still send your boyfriend quoted and handpicked works from famous poets or writers with your own dedication, which will surely be appreciated!


Make sure to meet at least once a year.Despite the phone calls and messages, in every relationship, physical contact is still of primary importance. Make sure to at least meet with your boyfriend once a year or more if possible.


 Whether it be planned or impromptu, quality time spent together with your boyfriend will definitely boost his happiness and lessen the longing that he feels every time you two are apart.


Give individual space.It is possible to be suffocated in a long distance relationship, so make sure that you are not being too clingy. You must give your boyfriend his personal or individual space in order for him to breathe. 


Calls every minute and bombarding of text messages will make anyone feel restricted in any relationship. The need for too much or extreme constant communication may actually break you apart rather than bring you closer.


Support each other in everything.Even if you are miles away from your boyfriend, as a devoted girlfriend, you should never fail in expressing your full support in all his endeavors. Being in a relationship should never hinder one from achieving his or her individual goals, instead, the two people in the relationship must work hard together and support each other in committing their ambitions in life. 


Having a companion who is also your number one fan gives anyone the feeling of happiness and love.


Limit your arguments.It is difficult to repair or fix arguments or petty fights especially if there is a thing we call distance separating the two of you. So, as much as possible you should limit your arguments. It is the time to be a mature person and so if the conflict is not worth arguing about then just let it go.


 Do not let small arguments grow into something bigger later that you can resolve. It is important to resolve your arguments in a fair and healthy way to ensure the happiness meter in the relationship.


Try out your boyfriend’s hobbies.To show your support and also as a way of exploring one’s self-interests, it never hurts to try out the hobbies that your boyfriend likes.


 If he is into video games then maybe you can start researching about the games that he particularly likes or if he is a motorcycle enthusiast then it may be the time for you to start learning how to ride one! Showing your interest is also a way of showing your boyfriend that you care about the things that he loves to do. And also, the next time you see each other, you have a new hobby to do together!

Never run out of conversation starters.Keep the ball rolling! Or in other words, keep the conversation going. Showing enthusiasm in the daily conversations that you engage with your boyfriend helps in boosting the positive vibes. 


Ask him about his day and allow him to talk about himself or his interests, and by showing sincere appreciation and interest in the things that he does, it will be an instant increase of confidence in him.

Communication is the key. In every relationship, whether long distance or not, communication is the key. The communication between two people in a relationship should be balanced. 


Do not spam your boyfriend with messages or calls, trust him and allow him to have his own personal space, and communicate your feelings clearly and immediately. You should never make each other feel as if you both have leashes on.

How Often Should You Talk In A Long Distance Relationship?




Talk about your feelings.Just because your partner is a man, does not necessarily mean that he is not open to talking about his feelings.

 At times, openly talking about it helps strengthen the relationship and produces more positive outlooks because of the closeness that is achieved by doing so Refrain from beating around the bush and state your feelings clearly. 

It is very much appreciated and causes less confusion when everything is out in the open.

Constant reassurance.Another tip is to constantly reassure your boyfriend of your love. This gives him confidence and happiness. 

It is much easier to show assurance in a relationship not divided by distance because you can physically show it but in a long distance relationship, it is more difficult. However, reassurance is still possible in forms of calls, text messages, and video call conferences.

Send handwritten poems.If your boyfriend is into old-fashioned romantic gestures, then you may try sending him personal handwritten poems. 


You can write a short poem every day, compile it, and then send it to him at least twice a month. If you are not much of a writer, then you can still send your boyfriend quoted and handpicked works from famous poets or writers with your own dedication, which will surely be appreciated!


Make sure to meet at least once a year.Despite the phone calls and messages, in every relationship, physical contact is still of primary importance. Make sure to at least meet with your boyfriend once a year or more if possible.


 Whether it be planned or impromptu, quality time spent together with your boyfriend will definitely boost his happiness and lessen the longing that he feels every time you two are apart.


Give individual space.It is possible to be suffocated in a long distance relationship, so make sure that you are not being too clingy. You must give your boyfriend his personal or individual space in order for him to breathe. 


Calls every minute and bombarding of text messages will make anyone feel restricted in any relationship. The need for too much or extreme constant communication may actually break you apart rather than bring you closer.


Support each other in everything.Even if you are miles away from your boyfriend, as a devoted girlfriend, you should never fail in expressing your full support in all his endeavors. Being in a relationship should never hinder one from achieving his or her individual goals, instead, the two people in the relationship must work hard together and support each other in committing their ambitions in life. 


Having a companion who is also your number one fan gives anyone the feeling of happiness and love.


Limit your arguments.It is difficult to repair or fix arguments or petty fights especially if there is a thing we call distance separating the two of you. So, as much as possible you should limit your arguments. It is the time to be a mature person and so if the conflict is not worth arguing about then just let it go.


 Do not let small arguments grow into something bigger later that you can resolve. It is important to resolve your arguments in a fair and healthy way to ensure the happiness meter in the relationship.


Try out your boyfriend’s hobbies.To show your support and also as a way of exploring one’s self-interests, it never hurts to try out the hobbies that your boyfriend likes.


 If he is into video games then maybe you can start researching about the games that he particularly likes or if he is a motorcycle enthusiast then it may be the time for you to start learning how to ride one! Showing your interest is also a way of showing your boyfriend that you care about the things that he loves to do. And also, the next time you see each other, you have a new hobby to do together!

Never run out of conversation starters.Keep the ball rolling! Or in other words, keep the conversation going. Showing enthusiasm in the daily conversations that you engage with your boyfriend helps in boosting the positive vibes. 


Ask him about his day and allow him to talk about himself or his interests, and by showing sincere appreciation and interest in the things that he does, it will be an instant increase of confidence in him.

Communication is the key. In every relationship, whether long distance or not, communication is the key. The communication between two people in a relationship should be balanced. 


Do not spam your boyfriend with messages or calls, trust him and allow him to have his own personal space, and communicate your feelings clearly and immediately. You should never make each other feel as if you both have leashes on.

How To Understand Men: The Survival Guide.



 They Definitely Have Emotions, As much as people think men are emotionless machines who don’t care about anything, they really do. In some ways, men care more than women.

The difference is, they don’t show it as much. A lot of how they’re feeling is processed internally and that can make things difficult for women.

We think they’re just sitting there without a care in the world while we’re falling apart. However, you have to keep in mind that it might even be harder for men.

They care just as much, if not more, and they can’t show it. That has to be difficult for them.

They Don’t Think With Their Emotions, Unlike women, men aren’t really driven by their emotional side. Their decisions aren’t based on how they feel but rather on logic.

You might think this is complete BS based on the fact that men are rather impulsive when they’re angry, but it’s true.

When making a decision, men as a whole are more likely to take logic into consideration instead of how they feel about something.

So if you’re confused as to why a man would be doing something even if it doesn’t match how he feels, this is why.

They’re Visual Beings, Women tend to be the more emotional-based sex and guys are usually more visual. Meaning: while women prefer emotional stimulation, guys like to look at nice things.

This can make it really confusing when first getting to know a guy.

You might think the way to his heart is through meaningful conversation, and it is, at times, but right off the bat, a guy needs to be visually stimulated.

They Need Affection In Different Ways, But they do still need it. Guys do want affection in relationships. They might not necessarily need you to tell them they’re sexy, though that’s still appreciated.

However, they want to feel affection in different ways than you do.

For men, it’s about fulfilling a need for you. They

feel loved and cared for if you need them to do stuff for you.

Which means pretending the pickle jar is too difficult to open can go a long way in making your man feel wanted.

Give him jobs that you could do, but make it seem like you can’t. He’ll feel like he has a purpose in your life this way.

Nagging Will Never Work, You have to provide incentive. It may sound harsh to use a dog as comparison, but it’s true.

They’re the type of “dog” that needs some kind of reward to condition them to do the things you appreciate.

It’s as simple as telling him he looks really sexy doing the dishes. That gives his ego a boost and rewards him in a very specific way.

He’ll associate doing the dishes–a chore you really want him to do–with turning you on: something he really wants to do for you.

Loyalty Is Extremely Valuable, If there’s one way to learn how to understand men, it’s to figure out what’s the most important to them. Usually, it’s loyalty.

Men tend to be driven by their pride. They hold their own value based on how others treat them and if you’re loyal to the end, it means more to them than you know.

Disloyalty, cheating, and betrayal hurt men far more than it even hurts women. So if you put him down or go against him in front of others, it’ll cause major issues that go deeper than you can understand.

Knowing these boundaries, however, can really make a man emotionally attracted to you.

They Usually Mean What They Say, There’s no point in overthinking everything a guy says.

He usually doesn’t mean something complex and ridiculous by telling you he likes your hair parted a different way.

He usually just means he really likes how you parted your hair. This doesn’t mean he didn’t like it before or that he’s trying to hide the fact that he doesn’t truly like it.

Looking into every little thing a guy “secretly” means is pointless. Trust his word.

They Hold Pride In Possessions More Than Qualities, Guys aren’t really all that thrilled if they can play an instrument or are all that talented in a specific field.

They do care, however, about what they can get from having those qualities.

More specifically, men take pride in what they have. And although you’re not his possession exactly, he still sees you as something he has.

Meaning, he’s proud of you. He takes great pride in your accomplishments just as he does his own. Remember that.

Talking Doesn’t Always Help When They’re Upset, Unlike women, men don’t always benefit from talking about their feelings. They actually do better processing things internally when they’re upset or angry.

So instead of forcing him to tell you what’s wrong, accept that he needs some time to sort it out himself.

And if he feels like chatting about it later, he’ll come to you in order to feel happy again.

Sure Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back!




  • This is a no brainer, really. If he’s texting you all the time and you’re supposed to be broken up, he misses you.
  • He just wants to see your name pop up on his phone. He wants to talk to you and, chances are, it’s because he wants you back.
  • He Likes Your Stuff On Social Media, It’s perfectly fine for people to be liking your posts and pictures but when it’s your ex, that’s usually a sign he wants you back.
  • Otherwise, he wouldn’t really pay much attention to what’s going on in your life. But if you get a notification with his name repeatedly, he’s definitely longing for you.
  • He Asks Mutual Friends About You A Lot, They’ll just tell you. If you two have the same friend group and spend time with them separately, they’ll mention if he’s been asking about you.
  • This is a pretty clear sign your ex wants you back because if the questions are repeated, he’s not just checking in. He misses you.
  • He Uploads Unhappy Status Updates, These may not be obviously directed at you, but you might see some sappy posts about not knowing what you had until it’s gone, or something equally cringe-worthy plastered all over his social media.
  • It’s a way of guilt tripping you. He’s hoping you’ll see it and feel bad for him because he wants you back.
  • He Finds Random Reasons To Text You, Any time he texts you, it’ll be for some reason he searched long and hard for.
  •  If he sends you a meme he thought you might like or even to tell you that he wishes your mom a happy birthday, he wants you back.
  • If he didn’t, he wouldn’t bother with it. This is his way of hoping you’ll carry the conversation into something deeper.
  • He Keeps Finding Stuff You’ve Left At His Place, It’s not so much that he keeps finding it, but, rather, he’s deciding to give it to you even though he found it a long time ago.
  • Instead of saving you one trip, he’s hoarding your belongings and lying to you by saying he just found it. Obviously, this is so he can see you more.
  • He Tries To Guilt-Trip You, This is a nasty way of showing you he misses you, but it’s still something he’ll do if he wants you back.
  • What he’ll do to guilt-trip you is to either tell you how awful his life is without you or completely let himself go, publicly.
  • Social media will be littered with his failures and unkempt profile pictures so you can see how much not having you is upsetting his life. It’s all a very lame attempt to make you feel bad enough to get back with him.
  • He Brings Up Old, Happy Memories, Whenever you two do end up seeing each other or talking, all he does is bring up the “good times.” Sure, you can discuss things in the past but if it’s every time, your ex wants you back.
  • There’s no other reason for him to talk so much about something that’s over.
  • He’s Curious About Your Personal Life, And by personal life, I mean love life. He’ll probably try to play it cool and ask about what you’re doing for fun nowadays but we both know he just wants to see if you’re with someone new.
  • It’s even more obvious if you say you’re seeing someone and get starts to pout like a spoiled toddler.

Cheap Date Night Ideas!




1. Go Hiking

Hiking is an amazing date idea for nature lovers. No matter where you live, you must have some great hiking trails in your area where you and your man can get away from the world and just enjoy the fresh air and each other’s company.

2. Go Biking

Another awesome idea for active couples is biking. If you don’t have your own bikes, you can always rent them. Find a good biking route and enjoy a peaceful conversation while you exercise.

3. Try New Foods

Unless you’re an absolute foodie, there must be a food you haven’t tried yet. Whether it’s Mexican, Japanese, Indian, Lebanese or something completely different, organize an exciting dinner that will give you and your man a chance to experiment with food.

4. Go On A Picnic

Picnics are sweet, romantic and cheap, which always makes them a good idea. All you need is nice weather, some snacks, and a blanket, and you’re good to go. This one is also lovely if you want to include kids in your date night plans.

5. Play In The Snow

Remember how much joy snow used to bring you when you were a kid? Wake up your inner child and invite your hubby to play in the snow. Build a snowman, have a snowball fight or have him pull you in a sled.

6. Go To A Sports Game

Want to make your husband happy? Take him to a sports game. Depending on how much you want to spend, you can go to a small local event or splurge on a big game.

7. Act Like Tourists

You don’t have time or money to take a trip somewhere? Never mind, you can still be tourists in your own city and have almost as much fun. Visit a museum, go to a touristy part of your city, take photos and try to see everything from a different point of view.

8. Go To A Flea Market

Although it doesn’t sound very exciting, a date at a flea market can be a blast if you open your mind. You never know what treasure you may stumble upon and you’re bound to have some laughs as you rummage about.

9. Go To A Drive-In

It’s an oldie but goldie. Instead of watching a movie at the same old boring movie theater you always go to, shake things up and watch it from the comfort of your own car. You can even snuggle together beneath a blanket.

10. Visit A Museum

Prefer something a bit more sophisticated than a simple movie? Then set aside an afternoon and go check out your local museum. You can grab a coffee afterward and discuss what you’ve learned.

11. Volunteer Together

If you enjoy helping others, you can now do it together. You can volunteer almost anywhere these days – local soup kitchens, animal shelters, national parks, and so on. Check out what places are available near you and have fun while you’re at it!

12. Play A Sport Together

Playing sports together can actually be very beneficial for your relationship. So, pick a sport and enjoy a friendly game. You can learn some new moves or just have fun on the court. And remember that competition can be very sexy.

13. Go Ice Skating

Ice skating is a classic winter date idea, but many couples never dare to try it. Even if you’re scared, you should give it a try. It’s super fun and romantic, and even falling can be cute when you have your hubby to help you back up.

The Single Most Powerful Way To Make Him Feel Like A Man!




  • Dirty Talking Is The Most Powerful Way To Make Him Feel Like A Man.
    When you initiate dirty talk whether it’s in person or via your phone, you’re sending him the message that says you want to take a wild sexy ride with him.
  • When he sees your enthusiasm, he’ll not only feel masculine, he’ll feel like he’s a demigod.
  •  Dirty Talking Makes Him Feel Special.Treating your man to some unexpected dirty talking makes him feel like he’s the recipient of some serious sexual attention.
  • Since dirty talking is perceived as somewhat naughty and kinky, it shows him that you care about his sexual side, which makes every guy feel valued.
  •  Dirty Talking Helps Him Know You’re On The Same, Naughty Page.
    Your man is all about pleasing you in bed. He’s hardwired for that.
  • When you talk dirty to him during sex, it helps him see that you’re into it just as much as he is and that you’re having the time of your life.
  • Since you’re able to express yourself to him sexually through your moans and other communication you’re leaving no room for playing guessing games.
  • He gets to see what you want and fulfill all those naughty acts for you too.
  •  Dirty Talking Provides The Encouragement And Validation He Needs As A Man.
  • When you launch into a dirty talking frenzy, it confirms that you’re sexually interested in him.
  • Dirty Talking Paves More Passionate Lovemaking.
    He needs to know that he’s appreciated, needed, and loved for the man he is