How To Show Respect To Your Husband: Should Try It!


  • Stop what you are doing and look at him when he talks.
  • Refrain from interrupting him when he’s talking.
  • Pray for him.
  • Pray with him.
  • Pray over him when he is going through some tough decisions or stressful situations.
  • Smile at him.
  • Tell him something you admire about him.

  • Ask him about his day.
  • Talk positively about him to others.
  • Thank him for something he’s done.
  • Give him a space of his own IN the house.
  • Dress in a way that makes him feel he’s worth it.
  • Let him pack the car for vacation.
  • Ask, “what can I do for you today?”
  • Let him drive.
  • If going to the store, ask “is there anything I can get for you while I’m at the store?”
  • Stop what you are doing and welcome him home with a kiss.
  • Give him a kiss as he walks out the door in the morning.
  • Get his input on big decisions.
  • Honor his requests.
  • Let him know you like your life with him.
  • Encourage him in his line of work.
  • Avoid the use of sarcasm when speaking to him.
  • Say “yes” in bed.
  • Initiate love making.
  • Let him know what you like most in bed.
  • Compliment him often.
  • Make his favorite meal.
  • Avoid complaining.
  • Write him a love note.
  • Avoid criticizing him…especially in front of others.
  • Respond to his thoughts and advice with enthusiasm.
  • Respect his likes and dislikes.
  • Refrain from comparing him to other men.
  • Ask for his help.
  • Kindly try to understand his reasons, even when you don’t agree.
  • Give him space and time to spend on his hobbies.
  • Focus on what he’s doing right.
  • Be happy and positive when he is home.
  • Speak honorably about him and to him in front of the kids.
  • Humbly admit your mistakes.


  • Avoid nagging.
  • Refrain from placing the blame on him when something goes wrong.
  • Respect his stuff; ask before moving or throwing away something that is his.
  • Work to keep yourself in shape and attractive.
  • Show an interest in his friends.
  • Buy his favorite brand of personal care products.
  • Let him open his own mail.
  • Laugh at his jokes…or at least smile.
  • Give him advance warning of family activities, schedules, and events.
  • Show an interest in topics, hobbies, or occupations he enjoys.Read.
  • Pray. Memorize. Apply. It’s all there in And the Word Became Flesh
    Carve out time to spend with him apart from the children.
  • Give him time to unwind after work before bombarding him with home life.
  • Touch him with affection.
  • Talk together about your family’s goals and how you can achieve them together.
  • Let him do his “to-do list” in his own time…even if his timing is not your timing.
  • Defend him if others speak disrespectfully about him.
  • Send him an encouraging email or text.
  • Surprise him with a gift of something he’s wanted for some time.
  • Meet him at his work for lunch.
  • Meet his co-workers and speak kindly of both him and them.
  • Reserve some energy for him at the end of the day.
  • Help him to lead your family spiritually by providing him with the resources he needs to encourage the family in the Lord.
  • Get up when he gets up.
  • Go to bed when he goes to bed.
  • Be kind and thoughtful to his parents, siblings, and relatives.
  • Refrain from belittling his intelligence.
  • Give him the benefit of the doubt.
  • Sit with him while he watches one of HIS favorite TV shows.
  • Ask for his advice.
  • Remember that your personal actions reflect on him even when you are apart; don’t do anything that would embarrass him.
  • Tell him you love him.
  • Be patient with him when he makes mistakes.
  • Thank him for providing for you and your family.
  • Tell him what makes you proud to be with him.
  • Keep your expectations of him reasonable AND realistic.
  • Refrain from talking down to him.
  • Clean the house or at least the parts he notices most before he comes home.
  • Wear his favorite outfit from you closet.
  • Fix your hair the way he likes it best.