Every romantic relationship has a power imbalance stakes are higher for women!

Play with him. Playfulness is the one thing that holds a happy relationship together more than anything else.


Just because you’re past your childhood doesn’t mean you should act all grown up all the time!


Men are easily influenced by other men around them in their life.


Every romantic relationship has a power imbalance stakes are higher for women!

Every romantic relationship has a power imbalance stakes are higher for women!

If his friends and other guys in the room think you’re a dream catch, he’ll fall more in love and stay more in love with you, and avoid straying away from you.


Not all men understand the art of chivalry, romantic gestures and romance.


Instead of giving up on him, show him the way by example, and he’ll learn to treat you with respect.


Listen to his point of view before arguing back or cutting across him. It’s the easiest way to prevent tempers from rising. And don’t be condescending either!


You can’t change someone who doesn’t want to be changed. Help your man understand you better and help him learn by example.


But if you don’t want to change for you, perhaps, he doesn’t respect you or care enough for you, and you need someone else who can love you for who you are.


Don’t constantly remind him of his past failures. Men are very sensitive when it comes to pass mistakes.


He’ll clam up like a shell if you use his past failures to get him to accept defeat or listen to you.


Don’t blame yourself. You’re never entirely at fault if the relationship starts to suffer.


So don’t blame yourself completely if you’re experiencing a bad relationship. Accept responsibility, but don’t blame yourself unless it really is your fault.


Men can’t read minds. As convinced as you are that men should have the innate ability to read a woman’s mind, they really can’t.


So speak your mind and he will listen to your thoughts.


No guy likes a drama queen, especially if she goes looking for ways to complicate the relationship.


The silent treatment. Ignoring your boyfriend when he hurts you may seem like the best way to teach him a lesson.


But truth be told, the silent treatment won’t make him stop hurting you, it only makes him a better liar!


You and your partner are a team. There are no winners or losers between partners.


Either both of you will win or both of you will lose together. So any issue has to be worked out to better the relationship, not to win points.


Men think they hate high maintenance women. But that’s exactly the kind of girl they secretly desire.


Love is a complex blend of physical attraction and emotional attachment for men. Make a man realize that he needs you emotionally before he sees all of you sexually.


Every guy loves a girl who’s a lady on the street and a hooker in bed.


Love is full of layers. Take time to fall in love, and experience the relationship one step at a time.


Rushing too soon or moving in together too soon can make him think twice about his commitment to you even before he’s really fallen in love.


Don’t let yourself go in you’re in a long term relationship. Sexual attraction plays a big part in a happy romance.


Work out and look your best if you want your man to desire you more than he desires any other woman.


Insecurity woes. Don’t let your insecurities get the better of you. Sex appeal is all in your mind and how you project yourself.


Praise him for his achievements, even if it’s small. He’ll try harder all the time just to win your praise.


Don’t try too hard to please your man if your gestures aren’t reciprocated. He’d just take you for granted. Instead, make him realize just how lucky he is to have you. Most guys just take things for granted instead of realizing how lucky they are.


A man needs his space, even if he doesn’t ask for it. As long as he’s by himself or with his guy friends, you really have nothing to worry about.


In fact, it’ll help both of you love each other better.


Every romantic relationship has a power imbalance stakes are higher for women!

Every romantic relationship has a power imbalance stakes are higher for women!


Get kinky. A relationshipneeds to evolve all the time, and so does sexual intimacy.


If you think your sex life is starting to get predictable or boring, try something new every now and then. Talking dirty is a great way to kickstart your sexual adventure.


Don’t knee him below the belt using sarcasm or snide comments. If he feels helpless or emotionally violated, he’ll stop communicating with you.

What Makes A Man Emotionally Attached To A Woman?

Here are some signs you are emotionally attached to someone:

What Makes A Man Emotionally Attached To A Woman?

What Makes A Man Emotionally Attached To A Woman?

Seeing them smile is the best feeling in the world, Whenever he feels good you feel great.


It makes you extra happy to have him flash a smile at you. To you, their smile is the best curve in the world. He looks the best when he is happy.


When you consciously do something to make them feel better or you do everything possible to just add reasons for their happiness, it shows how clearly you are attached and have fallen for this person.


When he is sad, you are sad too, You just can’t tolerate seeing him unhappy.


You will do anything in the world to lift up his mood. His mood has a direct relation to yours.


If he is sad, you are sad as well. You always want to make sure that none of your actions become the reason for his sadness. In case it does, it makes you feel very guilty.


You get jealous, You might have known this person before and back then him going out with someone else didn’t really bother you.


But now, when he slightly flirts or appreciates someone you get a little jealous because all you wish is to be the center of his world.


You get cranky when he is not around, You just love being with him. Everything seems better when he is around.


You can’t bear the thought of staying away from him. Your conversations, long walk, drives and dine outs make you forget what life without him was like.


He seems to hover in your thoughts constantly at a given time of the day.


He rules your thoughts, He is so much a part of all your conversations that people around you are tired of the way you brag about him.


You constantly talk about his awesomeness and when there is nothing more you can talk about, you seem to wonder what he is doing or where he is.


You wake up to his thoughts and even end your day with him as the last thing on your mind.


You can ditch all your plans for him, You are so attached to him that you can’t see yourself spending your time with anyone but him.


You constantly change plans with other people in order to be around him.


If at all he calls you up for some kind of help, you’ll do anything to cater to them instead of others who may have had plans made long back.


You feel at home with him, You feel so comfortable when he is around that that you are at ease and can be exactly the way you are without having to make any changes just so that you fit in.


You needn’t go to a fancy place all the time, even when you don’t do something or go anywhere but stay back home, his presence is all that matters.


Any place is a good place for him. Any distance feels short with him.


You want people close to you to know him, He means so much to you and you take so much pride in him that you wish to introduce him to your friends and family.


You are sure that they will like him too and he can easily gel with them.


You always want to know what your near and dear ones think of him. Even before they tell you, you are convinced that he will be liked by all.


You take an interest in his likes/ dislikes, Even if you don’t like football, for example, you will make an effort to understand the sport just because he is invested in it.


You will try to win over him and consciously work on developing an interest in things that he is passionate about.


You will dress up the way he likes, eat out at places which are his favorites and even quit habits that he isn’t supportive of.

What Makes A Man Emotionally Attached To A Woman?

What Makes A Man Emotionally Attached To A Woman?

You will never hesitate to do something that will make him happy.


You can share everything with him, You don’t need to calculate before speaking to him about anything.


He is always open to discussing things with you and you are not scared of being judged.


You have the liberty to speak to him about yourself and your past and opening up to him never feels like a conscious effort.

How to Know If a Guy Likes You Or Not!

However, the good news is that instead of having to act like a detective in order to piece together his true intentions, there are 10 unequivocal signs that can let you know whether he likes you or not.


How to Know If a Guy Likes You Or Not!

How to Know If a Guy Likes You Or Not!

If you want to know if a man is truly into you, the first step is to look more closely at his facial expressions during your interactions.


if he raises his eyebrows, licks his lips when he’s talking to you or smiles in a way that reveals all of his front teeth, these seemingly small actions can also be big indicators that he’s highly interested.


A different study revealed that men who are interested in women may literally be drooling over them, as testosterone levels in their saliva can increase when they’d like to court a woman.


So if you sense he’s swallowing more than usual or actually salivating whenever he’s around you, this can actually be a clear-cut sign of his attraction.


Another sign a man is into you can be found in the way he moves his body when he’s around you. If his movements and hand gestures seem to be more overstated and exaggerated, this can be a sign he likes you.


Specifically, by drawing attention to himself in a way that shows that he’s powerful, sturdy, and takes up a lot of space, he’s hoping to capture your interest and fully entice you.


Paying attention to the placement of his feet can also help you decode his true feelings. In fact, if his feet are pointed toward you during your interactions, this can be a sign he’s interested, as this type of stance demonstrates he’s making himself completely approachable and non-threatening.


On the other hand (or foot), if his feet are pointing away from you, this can indicate he’s closed-off and detached from the situation, and he can easily leave the conversation (and you) at any time.


Another distinctive indicator of his interest is that he looks for opportunities to bring himself closer to you.


While this can simply be found in his proclivity to lean in close when you’re chatting with one another, this can also be evident in terms of his desire to maintain eye contact with you.


And it might work — it’s been shown that when men and women lock eyes for prolonged periods, it can increase their desire for one another.


When a man is highly interested in you, he listens to you without interruptions or distractions.


While his desire to listen can act as a basic means of attracting you, it can also give him the opportunity to show just how much you mean to him.


His ability to recall specific information and topics you once talked about, particularly the smallest details, can allow him to demonstrate his listening skills, as well as how much he values the things you say.


In other words, when he can recall tiny details from your past conversations at the drop of a hat, he’s definitely falling for you.


If you’re wondering if a man is interested, one tell-tale sign is that he looks for more opportunities to compliment you.


In fact, research from the University of Kansas says it’s pretty common. So when he takes the time to compliment you, he’s probably saying he likes you, without having to say it at all.


He asks you personal questions, By asking you personal questions, he’s not only hoping to get to know you better, but he’s also looking to create a bond between the two of you.


Plus, peppering you with questions gives him an easy and stress-free way to initiate and sustain a conversation with you, so he can keep the dialogue flowing and hopefully create some sparks.


Another sign a man is truly interested in is when he introduces you to the important people in his life.


Not only does inviting you to meet his friends and family enable him to show you a different side of himself, it also helps him judge the possibility of a future. In a word, when a man introduces you to his friends and family, he wants to see how you interact with them in order to determine if there’s potential for you to have a real future together.


After all, if you don’t get along swimmingly with his friends and family, it’s possible that his hopes for a relationship with you may sink.


Another definitive sign a man truly cares about you is that he goes out of his way to do nice things for you.


Whether it’s bringing you coffee, giving you a ride, or offering to help set up your new TV, when he makes a concerted effort to give you his attention, he’s actually showing his affection for you.


And rather than feeling like he owes you, he wants to do these things for you out of the goodness of his heart — because you’ve captured it.


How to Know If a Guy Likes You Or Not!

How to Know If a Guy Likes You Or Not!

Sometimes, the best way to figure out if a guy is into you is to simply listen to what he says.


And while the words, “I really like you,” may not come directly from his mouth, there are other key expressions that can clue you in regarding his romantic interest.


For example, if he tells you he misses you, he’s really telling you that you’re a significant and meaningful person in his life and that he wants to have you in it.

Ways to Be a Great Long-Distance Girlfriend!

Ways to Show Love in a Long Distance Relationship

Make contact regularly

Communication is the key to a successful long-distance relationship so make sure to maintain contact at all times whether it be by text messaging or online calls.


Ways to Be a Great Long-Distance Girlfriend!

Ways to Be a Great Long-Distance Girlfriend!

In most cases, a lack of communication between two people in a relationship leads to falling out and eventually breaking up, that is why having a regular connection with your partner is of utmost importance. Also, avoid having excessive contact.


Through regular contact is recommended, a bit of space never hurts, and it allows the two of you to grow!


Have an “End-of-Day” recall.

The “End-of-Day” recall is the retelling of each other’s day and sharing the highlights of it. Through this, each could share what was the most interesting thing or event they saw that day to spark up a conversation.


By doing this, you are showing your partner that he or she is always on your mind throughout the day and that will definitely make them feel very loved.


Send a package full of gifts.

It could be anything, his or her favorite book, favorite food, a shirt, a scrapbook you made for him or her, or a quilt blanket specially made!


Make your partner’s day by sending your significant other a package full of his or her favorite things. 


You can also send photos, or bottles full of messages for him or her to open each day, or one of those old-fashioned mixtapes. There’s nothing more loving than a gift compiled of all the mementos that mean a lot to both of you.


Plan a surprise visit.

If possible, plan impromptu visits! Buy the next ticket or ride the next bus to see your loved one.


A surprise visit from the person you love the most is always welcome and always wonderful. It also shows your partner how much you care and feel towards your relationship, that despite the distance, it is merely numbers.


Arrange video dates.

In this modern era, dates can now be done online so take advantage of it! Arrange as many video dates as possible.


See as much as your partner’s face as possible and show him or her that a phone call or text message is not enough to ease your longing.


Chat with each other or even bring each other to cafes or restaurants. With the internet now available on mobile phones, you can talk to your partner while working, traveling, or eating outside. Just be careful and wary of your surroundings though!


Tag each other in funny photos.

Social media is now full of funny memes and photos, never forget to tag your partner the ones you think he or she would find extremely funny.


It’s another way of brightening up your partner’s day and reminding them how much you care and love them.


Every ring of the notification on their phone is a sweet reminder and every time they open their phone, you will be rewarded with a smile and a laugh!


Give surprise and unexpected calls.

This is also another way of reminding them that you love your partner. Of course, he or she is available all the time, there is also work that interferes, but whenever you catch a lucky strike, do not hesitate to ring your partner up to ask about his or her day! “Have you eaten yet?” or “How was your morning?” are just a few gentle and caring questions you can ask to make your loved one feel truly loved.


Never forget to say “I love you” every day.

This is the ultimate way of showing your partner that you love him or her very much.


Never forget to tell me! Tell them every day – every time you wake up and every time before you go to bed.


There is no wrong time to tell the love of your life how much you love them. Life is short to keep mum about it so tell them now!


Even if you are angry, even if you are upset, always, always express your love towards your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Ways to Be a Great Long-Distance Girlfriend!

Ways to Be a Great Long-Distance Girlfriend!

Trust your partner.

Trust and patience go hand in hand. If you fully trust your partner then it is easier for you to be patient with him or her.


Trust is the very foundation of every relationship. In long-distance relationships, a stronger foundation of trust is more needed because you do not see each other every day.


If you have no reason to be paranoid, then do not worry about things that are not supposed to be problems.


Also, learn how to keep your own insecurities in check because those will create issues of mistrust.


Tell your partner and tell yourself that you love him or her and that you place your full trust in the person you love.


Be faithful no matter what.

Lastly, be faithful to your partner no matter what happens. Self-discipline is the core of being faithful, because if you know how to discipline yourself then you will be able to control yourself and avoid unwanted situations.


People are only humans but one should be reminded that infidelity is a choice. It is up to you whether you do it or not but if you truly love and respect your partner, nothing and no one in the whole world will ever change that.

Tips for Solving Relationship Conflicts!

Effective Ways to Help Couples Solve Relationship Problems

Tips for Solving Relationship Conflicts!

Tips for Solving Relationship Conflicts!

Talk it out.


When the two of you are facing a misunderstanding over a particular issue, like when you cannot agree over a joint decision, the best recourse is to talk things through.


Tell your partner your thoughts, and give them the opportunity to voice out their ideas as well. There’s no need to prove who has a better opinion because, at the end of the day, neither of you would be happy with a half-hearted decision.


Talking things through helps a lot, however, as you learn more about how you think as individuals and how you can come up with a compromise over that subject you have been arguing over.


Don’t argue over the phone, chat, or text.

Personal confrontations are always best when resolving an argument between couples.


Bickering over the phone, through text, or via chat can be very limiting, as you don’t get to understand each other’s point of view completely.


The emotions that come with the messages likewise get lost in translation when not dealt with in person, thus making matter worse in the long run.


It may be better to dedicate a time to talk things through, like meeting up after dinner or lunch, in a place where you two can be alone together.


The intimate environment provides a sincere ambiance, which allows you and your partner to discuss the issue in a comfortable manner.


Go through the argument while holding hands.

Holding hands while talking about relationship problems can be cheesy for some couples, but this approach is highly recommended, even by psychologists.


When you hold hands while discussing a problem, you are able to feel each other’s emotions without the use of words.


You form a more intimate connection that allows both of you to exchange empathies, and the decision you come up with to solve the problem becomes sincere and wholehearted.


Take some space from each other, but set an amount of time.

Taking some time away from each other can be a good way to cool the emotions down, especially when you have reached a heated argument.


You cannot come up to a sound resolve if you are on a high emotional high, so it would be better to take some time off.


You may want to spend time with family or friends, or just by yourself, so you can think things through.


Do set a time limit, though. You may want to dedicate a specific time to discuss your problem together; just make sure that this period of being away from each other is enough for both your emotions to calm down.


Never ever vent to your friends when you’re in an argument with your partner.


When taking the time off from your partner due to an argument, it would be great to spend time with friends so that you can relax.


However, it is not advisable that you discuss your relationship issues with them.


They may give you varying opinions on the matter and make it more difficult for you to think straight, and they may even go the extra mile and talk these out to your partner. Sure, they mean well, but it doesn’t always mean that their unsolicited help can solve your relationship issue.


Take a walk, together.

When you can’t come up with a resolve to your argument sitting down, then it may help that you go out for a walk.


Unlike traveling or going on a vacation, taking a walk is a much simpler way to contemplate about your issue and the kind of solution that you want to address it. Walking also helps you two relax, and in a way realize that you’re on the same journey together.


Say sorry – and mean it.

When you and your partner are in an argument, for sure you will be hurting each other’s feelings, either by the words, you say to each other or through your exchange of reactions. Regardless of who is at fault, however, be ready to say you’re sorry.


Saying sorry doesn’t necessarily pertain that you are taking the fault of the situation, but more on the hurtful position you have placed your partner. It is at the same time important that you know the reason behind your apology, and that you only mean well.


Be mindful of your partner’s feelings.

When facing an argument, you should be well aware of how your partner feels and reacts.


Their emotions serve as signals towards their next move, such as coming up with a decision.


You should be able to read these signals before they actually spell out what they want to say or explain, otherwise you will end up not understanding each other.


Tips for Solving Relationship Conflicts!

Tips for Solving Relationship Conflicts!


When in doubt, pray.

When both of you cannot come up with a resolve together, despite going through a series of discussions over the same issue, then perhaps it’s time to pray.


There’s nothing prayer can solve, as while it doesn’t always provide you with answers, praying helps you rethink about your relationship goals and how you want to achieve these. The quiet time also allows you to calm down until you find a balance between reason and emotion while facing the problem.

You How To Use This Technique To Compel Your Ex!

To Fall Back In Love With You Again For Good...

Even Though You Think It’s Impossible, I’ll teach


Free Video Presentation Reveals Secrets To Getting Your Boyfriend Back

I don’t know you. But I do know how it feels like to miss something so much, that you’d be willing to do almost anything to get it back.


You How To Use This Technique To Compel Your Ex!

You How To Use This Technique To Compel Your Ex!

I know what it’s like to go to bed in tears… thinking you’ve lost everything.


And I know how it feels like to want something so badly, that you can’t stop thinking about it no matter how hard you try.


Despite how hopeless you’re probably feeling right now, there is a light at the end of the tunnel: it’s been proven that more than 90% of all relationships can be salvaged. But only if you know exactly what you’re doing…


You CAN Get Him Back


Hi, my name’s Brad Browning, in this letter, I am going to unveil simple, covert psychological tactics that you can use right now…


Free Video Presentation Reveals Secrets To Getting Your Boyfriend Back

to make your ex boyfriend yearn for your attention again…

to convince him that you are the only girl in the world that he really wants


and to make him fight for you, tooth and nail, until he finally has you in his arms again.


If you want your ex-boyfriend to admit that he made a mistake, and make him beg and plead for you to get back together with him, then you need to watch this video from beginning to end before it’s too late…


Because the longer you wait, the more likely you are to lose him forever…


the more likely he is to replace you with some other woman


Free Video Presentation Reveals Secrets To Getting Your Boyfriend Back

the more likely you are to become a distant memory in the back of his mind.


But if you employ the techniques I’m going to show you in this article, you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to rekindle that “magic” and “spark” you two had when you first kissed…


You’ll be shocked at how much he’ll want to call you, text you, and be with you all night long.


You’ll be blown away by how quickly he’ll forget that other girl you thought he had a “thing” for.


You’ll be astonished at how much time he’ll spend fantasizing about you, thinking about you, and craving your touch.


And you’ll be amazed at how incredible it feels to wake up every morning with him by your side… Knowing he’s never going to want to leave you again.


Free Video Presentation Reveals Secrets To Getting Your Boyfriend Back

I know this sounds impossible, but it isn’t.


As I said, over 90% of relationships can be salvaged.


Your relationship is no different.


So it doesn’t matter what mistakes you’ve made (or he made) up until this point. It doesn’t matter if you’ve already begged and pleaded for him to take you back. It doesn’t even matter if you think he’s madly in love with another woman right now.


Your relationship with him is fixable, even if you don’t think it’s possible for him to ever love you again.


In fact, I’m so confident that I can show you how to get this man back in your life that I’m actually going to guarantee it. (I’ll tell you more about this guarantee in a few minutes.)


After you begin to employ my advice… After you apply my “under the radar” techniques…


he’ll be pinning you against your bedroom wall, gazing at you with that look he used to give you, and kissing you like you’re the last girl he’ll ever kiss.


Now, Let’s Get Straight To The Facts


But in order to make him fall for you again, you need to be aware of a few important facts:


Free Video Presentation Reveals Secrets To Getting Your Boyfriend Back

FACT NUMBER ONE: Chances are, you’re so heartbroken right now that you’re probably doing or saying things that are pushing your ex further away from you… without you even realizing you’re doing it. If you want to ever regain that attraction ever again, you’ll have to press the reset button.


You How To Use This Technique To Compel Your Ex!

You How To Use This Technique To Compel Your Ex!

Free Video Presentation Reveals Secrets To Getting Your Boyfriend Back

(Don’t worry, though: I’m going to show you exactly how to do this, and I’ll walk you step-by-step through my tried & tested techniques.)


FACT NUMBER TWO: You’re going to have to accept that your ‘old’ relationship is gone, and you can’t have it back. And that’s actually a good thing, because your ‘old’ relationship sucked anyway… After all, if your relationship was going so well, then why did you two break up?


Let me make it clear: I don’t mean that you can’t have your ex-boyfriend back…. I mean that you have to start a new relationship. A healthy one, free of cheating and lies and all the other things that led to your breakup in the first place.


Free Video Presentation Reveals Secrets To Getting Your Boyfriend Back

FACT NUMBER THREE: In order to win back your ex-boyfriend and establish a new, healthy relationship, you need to erase all of the negative memories and thoughts he has of you…


Free Video Presentation Reveals Secrets To Getting Your Boyfriend Back

The incredible New Online Program, “Text Chemistry.”

The key to making a man fall and Stay in love is his Attention.

“I’m in love with you… and I’m never, ever leaving you no matter what.”

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For over 10 years, I’ve been studying the science of love and attraction and I’ve learned how simple words can make any man melt with the purest form of desire for you…


The incredible New Online Program, “Text Chemistry.”

The incredible New Online Program, “Text Chemistry.”

To infiltrate his mind with thoughts of romance and desire… And to make him love you unconditionally… Until he HAS to bend down on one knee and give himself — completely — to you and only you.


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So what is this text message and how does it work?

And how does it make your guy feel a special kind of obsession for you that only 1% of women ever experience?


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In order for you to understand how it works, you need to know just three simple facts:


The key to making a man fall and STAY in love is his ATTENTION.


When you truly capture a man’s attention, he can’t stop thinking about you… That means when you’re with him, his mind is practically glued to you…When he looks at you, he will feel like he is bathing in warm sunlight.


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And when you’re apart…He’s constantly thinking about where you are, what you’re doing, and what you’re thinking.


I’m SURE you’ve experienced something similar when you’re in love with a man. When you’re in a room with him, no matter how many other people are around… Your brain is constantly tracking where he is and who he’s talking to. When you’re not with him, you begin wondering where he is and what he’s doing… and you’re secretly hoping that he’s thinking of you too.


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Now – most people think that our brains become fixated on a person because we’re infatuated with them. But the OPPOSITE is also true…


The more you THINK about someone…The more ATTENTION you pay to them…And the more “in love” and infatuated you become with them.


So once you learn how to occupy a man’s attention and get him to think about you uncontrollably, you will have complete control over him in a way you never thought possible.


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There are certain PSYCHOLOGICAL TRIGGERS which GRAB a man’s attention…


For example… things like curiosity, cliffhangers, and incomplete information are tools that make a man crave to know more…


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These are the same triggers Hollywood screenwriters use to draw an audience into their movies and force them to pay attention for hours at a time.


These psychological triggers, which I call ATTENTION HOOKS are extremely powerful… Because they tap directly into the focus system of a man’s brain…


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And force him to wonder about you… to think about you… and to pay attention to you… whether you’re right in front of him… or you’re miles away.


(And here’s a hint: I’ve even embedded several of these “ATTENTION HOOKS” into this very article to keep you reading) all this leads me to…


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You Can Use These Hooks to Capture A Man’s Attention


And force him to pay his full attention to you… Which in turn creates desperate feelings of love, infatuation, and obsession for you.


All of a sudden, he won’t be able to control his sudden urge to fantasize about you all day long. And he’ll find his own reasons to see you, hold you, and kiss you as you’ve never been kissed before.


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This creates a “positive feedback loop” that causes his mind to constantly wonder about what you think of him, when you’ll respond to him, and when he’ll get to see you next….


This ladies, is what you call genuine “OBSESSION!”


And as soon as you understand these three simple facts and use my simple text message system, don’t be surprised if handsome men begin calling you, texting you, and asking you out on more dates…


Don’t be shocked if your ex comes crawling over fiery coals just to have another chance with you…


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And don’t be amazed when the man you’re currently with — despite his coldness, indifference, and stubborn unwillingness to commit — calls you out of the blue, tells you how much he loves you, and showers you with the kind of affection that you might’ve thought was just Hollywood fiction.


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Do men ignore your messages?

Learn how you can use my crazily effective technique that will make him text you back instantly and always… no matter what. You’ll never have to feel ignored or rejected again.


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You’ll learn about my patented “E-Glow Text”


Once you send a man these words, you’ll prevent his mind from ever wandering too far away from you… his brain will be hardwired to love you and adore you no matter the hardships you will face.


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Do you want your ex back?

Use my “Satellite Text” to instantly make him regret the breakup… and force him to fight for a second chance at love with you. You’ll be surprised at how quickly he becomes enamored by the thought of a second chance!


Do you feel like your relationship has become stale and boring?


Use my “Game On” and “Supernova” text messages to fill his body with the kind of nervous excitement that he felt when he first saw you… and the best part about these texts? That feeling of excitement will NEVER leave his body too!


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Do you want to have the power to infuse your man’s mind…

with passionate thoughts about you whenever you want? Use my “Tantalizing Seduction” text messages to incite the kind of ravenous desire that you only see in movies like 50 Shades of Grey… within no time, he’ll be staring deeply into your eyes, holding your hips close to his, and fantasizing about what he’s going to do to you…tonight.


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I’ll give you my simple ‘cheat sheet’…

that will give you the ability to analyze his text messages and interpret a man’s true feelings to figure out what he REALLY means. You’ll never have to guess what he’s trying to say ever again.


The incredible New Online Program, “Text Chemistry.”

The incredible New Online Program, “Text Chemistry.”

Are you worried that your boyfriend won’t ever propose to you?

Use my “Crystal Ball” text messages to send subliminal messages that will cause him to crave marriage, family, and lifelong commitment. Don’t believe me? Then you clearly have never tried to send these powerful texts!


Not seeing him for a while?

I’ll teach you how you can harness your text messages to make him feel a burst of excitement and lust … and he’ll be counting down the days until he gets to feel you in his arms again.


You’ll learn when to send what I call “love potion” photos…

and no, I don’t mean sexting him cute photos of you in your underwear! I’ll give you a number of silly little images that you can send to make him feel even more lust towards you.


Use my “Big Bang” text message to make his body tingle with desire for you…

to the point where he will be blowing up your phone just to hear the sound of your voice… and he’ll be making up silly excuses to see you as soon as he can!


You’ll learn a way to talk to a man on the phone…

that will make the hairs on the back of his headstand… he’ll be so eager to please you and do anything he has to just to put a smile on your face.


And once you use messages like my “Shooting for The Stars” text…


he’ll be absolutely blind to every other woman in his life… so if you’re worried that he’ll leave you for another woman, or worse, cheat on you, then using text messages like this will create an environment of monogamous love… where every moment that he gets to spend with you will be his happiest, forever and always.


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